Sunday 8 September 2024

Local Wildlife Sightings September 2024

 After a dry August (the first 'dry' month for nearly a year), September started unsettled, with a few rain showers and very variable temperatures, which peaked at 28C on the 1st. Royston is in one of the driest areas of the country, and this was emphasised as we missed torrential rain to the south in the first week and the constant battering of wind and rain that was endured in north-west Britain at the end of August and early September.

September sees bird migration through the country, as passerines head south towards warmer climes. Whinchats and Wheatears were reported locally in the first week, but no rarities were recorded. I was still busy photographing invertebrates, so relied on bird calls more than sightings during this period, although I did see at least three Spotted Flycatchers sallying forth from dead trees in Fox Covert to catch insects. Were these the family of birds that I saw in June and July or others passing through? I'll never know. Chiffchaffs were everywhere, sometimes appearing in parties of up to four individuals, but no Willow Warblers were heard or seen. A Raven was heard over Fox Covert on the 3rd, whilst a Green Woodpecker called nearby, the first time I've heard this species on The Heath for well over a year. A Bullfinch was heard near Royston Hospital on the 8th.

Blue butterflies became much harder to find in September, although several tatty Common Blues, a couple of Brown Arguses and a single male Chalkhill Blue were seen on the north side of Church Hill, mainly feeding on late-flowering Devil's-bit Scabious, on the 6th. No second generation Adonis Blues were seen at any time to the west of the Therfield Road: it seems very likely that this colony has, sadly, died out. Second generation Holly Blues have been few and far between this year. Perhaps the parasitic wasp (Listrodomus nycthemerus) that attacks their larvae had a successful season: these two species exist in equilibrium. The two butterflies that have done very well throughout the summer on The Heath, Meadow Brown and Small Heath, were still much in evidence: I must have seen about 50 of the former, many in good condition, on the 6th.

During September, my photographic interest turns towards grasshoppers, bush-crickets and spiders, all of which become far more evident as other insects disappear. I have only ever been able to find two species of grasshopper, Field Grasshopper and Meadow Grasshopper, on The Heath, whereas five species of Bush-cricket have been identified locally. This year Dark Bush-crickets and a single Roesel's Bush-cricket were the only ones seen on The Heath at the time of writing, although I am hopeful of finding more. Lots of Orb-web and female Wasp Spiders were seen, with Wasp Spiders particularly abundant at the bottom of Church Hill, where the specimens shown below were photographed.

Meadow Grasshopper, Church Hill, 3 September

Female Wasp Spider, Church Hill, 3 September

Female Wasp Spider on her Web, Church Hill, 6 September

UK Wildlife Sightings September 2024

 When I visited Titchwell on the 4th I decided to replace the macro lens of my relatively new Nikon full-frame mirrorless camera with a brand new 100-400mm zoom lens, to check whether I would get better results photographing birds than those that I had been getting for the past 3+ years from my APS-C Nikon DSLR camera with 100-400mm zoom lens. The answer was a definite 'yes!' The birds look further away in the new combination (as expected for a full-frame camera), but heavier cropping reveals significantly more detail in the birds' feathers and a cleaner image. Further improvements could no doubt be reached by replacing the zoom lens with a very large fixed focal length lens (say 600mm F4), the only problems being a combination of an extra 2Kg of weight and an extra cost of around £12,000! Since I'm a bird watcher who just likes to take decent photos of birds every now and again, I'm very happy with the new (and, to be fair, the old) combination.

Titchwell provided me with plenty of good photographic material, particularly from inside the Island Hide, where several species of wader could be seen and glimpses of a Water Rail (my first sighting of the year) could be had. At one point a Hobby came by, causing most of the waders to fly up, before they later landed only a few feet in front of the hide - giving wonderful views for a minute or two. A Little Stint, in particular, was a very popular subject for the assembled photographers. A White-rumped Sandpiper was rather more elusive but did reveal itself later in the day, when I became marooned in the Island Hide in the middle of a thunderstorm. Elsewhere a Black-winged Stilt became the 19th wader species to be seen on the day, allowing for its rather dubious origins (apparently it was an 'escape').

Curlew Sandpiper, RSPB Titchwell Marsh, 4 September

Dunlin, RSPB Titchwell Marsh, 4 September

Little Stint, RSPB Titchwell Marsh, 4 September

White-rumped Sandpiper, RSPB Titchwell Marsh, 4 September