Monday, 10 February 2025

Local Wildlife Sightings, February 2025

 February saw a return to consistently dull and at times windy weather, with only a couple of sunnier days (the 5th and 6th) in the first half of the month. High pressure dominated, but with easterly winds blowing in lots of cloud and some rain from Europe and daytime temperatures averaging 5-6C, conditions could best be described as 'unpleasant' for outdoor activities, including bird watching.

Regular reports of a first winter Mediterranean Gull on the Boating Lake at Verulamium Park, St Albans, lured me out for a second visit of the year on the 4th and, after I hunted around for a bit, it appeared there briefly and I was able to take some photos of what was a second Hertfordshire 'first' for me here in a short period of time, following on from the Yellow-browed Warbler in January. I checked the cathedral for Peregrines (none seen) before leaving.

First Winter Mediterranean Gull, Verulamium Park, St Albans, 4 February

First Winter Mediterranean Gull, Verulamium Park, St Albans, 4 February

Local walks were hampered by cold, dull, dark weather, rain and slippery mud. Because of this I stopped taking my camera out with me, so I have no pictures of the flock of 25 Golden Plovers that I saw in flight over the Icknield Way near Therfield village on the 6th, nor of the Barn Owl that was hunting at Heath Farm in Royston on the same afternoon. Roll on spring, although there is no sign of it yet!

After two failed attempts to see the female Smew at Amwell, I tried again on my way back from Staines Reservoirs on the 12th. Once again I failed, although on this occasion I did catch up with a male Goosander (image below) on Hollycross Lake, as well as hearing both Chiffchaff and Marsh Tit. Failure unfortunately makes me even more determined to succeed, so back I went on the 20th. With a good deal of help from the local bird watchers, who kept seeing it when I was looking elsewhere, I finally tracked the bird down at the far end of Great Hardmead lake from the viewpoint, where it was preparing to roost in amongst at least six Goldeneye and 20-25 Tufted Ducks. Hard-earned success!

Male Goosander (on the left), Hollycross Lake, Great Amwell, 12 February

Unfortunately, illness meant that I was unable to do any more local bird watching in February, but I was back in action in early March: see my latest blog posts.

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